transferring fostering provider.
transfer to Sparks Fostering.
If you’re not completely satisfied with your current fostering provider, call Sparks Fostering for a confidential, no obligation conversation. You wouldn’t need to tell your fostering provider about conversations with other agencies until you have decided that you definitely want to move.
If you are having some issues with your current fostering provider and want some impartial advice, Sparks Fostering would be happy to help. Even if you choose to stay with your current provider, we would be happy to help you on your fostering journey because we know that it would ultimately benefit the children you care for.
A transferring assessment is relatively quick and would include a reference from your current fostering provider. The transferring assessment uses the information held by the previous fostering provider and an update is written by a Sparks Fostering social worker. The assessment is much shorter than the first assessment completed with the previous fostering provider.
If you have children placed with you, the expectation would be that the children would continue living with you and the impact on them should be minimal. The allowance that the carers currently receive would be honoured and could potentially be increased – this would be discussed upon application.
Click here to learn more about the fees and allowances offered at Sparks Fostering.
Click here for details about the referral bonuses.