Sparks Fostering Team
I was born in Johannesburg in South Africa and trained to be a social worker in South Africa before coming to the UK. I qualified as a social worker (Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences) at the tender age of 22 in 1995 after completing the four year degree. This programme also includes a qualification in Marriage Guidance and Counselling.
Prior to coming to the UK, I worked for Johannesburg Child Welfare as a Public Relations and Fund Raising Officer. I worked in informal settlements where we assisted over 10 000 children and families in extreme poverty.
I came to the UK in 2000 and worked in one local authority in inner London for thirteen years. I worked in a variety of teams including children in need, child protection, care proceedings, fostering, adoption, adoption support and special guardianship support. I decided to become an Independent Social Worker in 2013 and since then, the majority of my work has been in fostering and adoption, which I am passionate about.
I have temporarily managed an Independent Adoption and Fostering Agency; have completed many assessments for adoption, fostering, connected carers and special guardians and have delivered training for adopters, foster carers, special guardians and professionals over the years. I have worked with adopted adults to help them access their care records and to find and contact their birth families.
I have been an Independent Reviewing Officer to review approval of short breaks carers for disabled children since 2014. I have worked as an expert witness in Civil Litigation cases for the last three years. This year, I took up a part time post in the Children With Disabilities Team in a local authority where I assist in overseeing the support plans for over 300 children in collaboration with a team of family support workers.
The best part about being an Independent Social Worker is the ability to choose the work that interests me and which I feel passionate about. I always look to learn new skills and diversify my practice as much as possible..