Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures
Sparks Fostering policies and procedures outline the core expectations and functioning of the agency. The policies and procedures take into account the national guidance and standards for fostering, and also includes specific information about Sparks Fostering. Sparks foster carers and staff are required to read each policy and procedure at least once a year. By regularly reviewing the policies and procedures, staff and foster carers are able to work with a shared understanding of each other’s roles and how we can provide the best possible care for the children.
The Children’s Guide summarises the key information that children and young people need to know about Sparks Fostering. Foster carers share the guide with children as soon as possible.
Local authority Policies and Procedures
Approved foster carers and their social workers are expected to have access to local authority policies which pertain to the children in their care.
If a child goes missing, carers and social workers must refer to local protocols.
Pan-Greater Manchester Protocol on Missing Children and Young People.
Greater Manchester Safeguarding Children Procedures Manual (including allegations and online safety)
LADO – Managing allegations against those who work or volunteer with children
Missing from home and care protocol
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
A range of policies re: caring for children (including online and e-safety)
Multi-agency policies and procedures (childrens)
Runaway and missing from home protocol
TRAFFORD (see also ‘Greater Manchester)
Trafford Children’s Services Procedure Manual (including complaints/allegations)
WEST YORKSHIRE CONSORTIUM (Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield)
Allegations against people who work with children
Children missing from home or care